Counting cards in blackjack is a popular technique utilized by skilled players to gain an advantage over the casino

03 oktober 2023
Peter Mortensen

If you are interested in casino games and want to enhance your blackjack skills, understanding the concept of counting cards is crucial. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the ins and outs of counting cards in blackjack, its historical development, and provide you with valuable tips to improve your gameplay.

Introduction to Counting Cards in Blackjack

Counting cards is a strategy used to keep track of the ratio of high cards to low cards remaining in the deck during a blackjack game. This technique allows players to make more informed betting decisions based on the probability of favorable outcomes. By keeping track of the cards that have been dealt, players can adjust their bets accordingly and increase their chances of winning.

Counting cards requires a keen eye and excellent mental arithmetic skills. It is important to note that card counting is not illegal, although casinos may discourage the practice and can ask players to leave if they are suspected of counting cards. However, as long as counting cards is done purely using mental calculations and does not involve any external aids, it is considered a legitimate strategy.

The Historical Development of Counting Cards in Blackjack


The history of card counting can be traced back to the 1950s when a group of mathematics wizards known as the “Four Horsemen” developed the first efficient card counting system. Their work revolutionized the way blackjack was played and inspired countless players to explore the world of card counting.

Over the years, several card counting systems have been developed and refined. The most well-known and commonly used system is the Hi-Lo Count, which assigns specific values to each card in the deck. This system provides players with a method to track the ratio of high to low cards, allowing them to adjust their bets and make more strategic decisions.

Counting Cards in Blackjack How Does it Work?

To count cards effectively, players assign a value to each card they observe during the game. The most widely used card counting system, the Hi-Lo Count, involves the following values:

– Cards 2 to 6 are assigned a value of +1.

– Cards 7 to 9 are considered neutral and assigned a value of 0.

– Cards 10 to Ace are assigned a value of -1.

By keeping a running count of these values, players can estimate the composition of the remaining cards in the deck. A positive count indicates a deck with an abundance of high cards, which is favorable for the players. Conversely, a negative count suggests a deck with predominantly low cards, which is advantageous for the dealer.

By adjusting their bets based on the count, players can maximize their potential winnings and minimize their losses. It is important to note that card counting does not guarantee a win every time; it simply provides a statistical advantage over the long run.

Tips for Effective Card Counting

While card counting may seem complex, with practice and dedication, anyone can learn this skill. Here are some tips to help you become a proficient card counter:

1. Start with the basics: Begin by mastering the Hi-Lo Count system and practice keeping a running count as you watch blackjack games. Familiarize yourself with the values assigned to each card.

– Cards 2 to 6 = +1

– Cards 7 to 9 = 0

– Cards 10 to Ace = -1

2. Practice mental calculation: Develop your mental arithmetic skills to quickly calculate the running count during a game. Speed and accuracy are essential to effectively count cards.

3. Manage your bankroll: Properly managing your bankroll is crucial for long-term success in blackjack. Set a budget, and only play with money you can afford to lose. Remember that card counting does not guarantee immediate results.

4. Avoid detection: While card counting is legal, casinos frown upon it. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid detection by employing camouflage techniques such as varying bet sizes, acting like a recreational player, and avoiding excessive wins.

5. Practice, practice, practice: The key to becoming a skilled card counter is consistent practice. Use online simulators or join a blackjack practice group to sharpen your skills and improve your efficiency.


Counting cards in blackjack is a strategy that can provide players with a statistical advantage in the game. By keeping track of the ratio of high to low cards, players can make more informed betting decisions and increase their chances of winning. Although card counting requires practice and mental arithmetic skills, it is a valuable tool to have in your blackjack arsenal. Remember to always play responsibly and within your means. Happy counting!


Does card counting guarantee a win?

No, card counting does not guarantee a win every time. It provides players with a statistical advantage over the long run, but individual games can still result in losses.

How does card counting work?

Card counting involves assigning a value to each card in the deck and keeping a running count based on the values. This count helps players estimate the composition of the remaining cards and make more strategic betting decisions.

Is card counting illegal?

No, card counting is not illegal. However, casinos may discourage the practice and can ask players to leave if they are suspected of counting cards.

Flere Nyheder